But now there is this swine flu to which I have fallen without much grace. It has been at least two decades since I had run a temperature above 101 and so I had forgotten what it's like to be a bit delerious. (By the way, my normal body temperature is about 97, so a 101 for me is like a 103 to others.) The closest analogy I can come up with is that it's a lot like being drunk under water. (Don't ask.) Also, all one can do is sit and watch TV while wondering why the cats do nothing to help which then leads to some pretty wild notions of bio-technology for the cats so they can be of assistance. Then this train of thought begins to include what is occurring on the TV, which happens to be the SciFi channel, with the heroes going to other worlds through the stargate with the cats. The cats return, seemingly unaffected until their eyes glow and they begin talking with really deep voices about how I too must become host to a symbiote.
The good doctor stuck me in a kind of quarrantine where I cannot go to work for at least seven days, (which really sucks on the financial end and especially for my supervisor who has to fill the shifts), then prescribed Tamaflu and a lot of water and juice. So, once I could gain some semblance of reality, I went out to get it before I experienced more alien abductions of cats. (But the cars, on the other hand, were driving on air.) Now, thankfully, the Tamaflu is cutting the symptoms in half and so only one cat has been abducted instead of both of them.
Wow. I'm sorry to hear you have swine flu, but...I'm going to admit, the thought of alien abducting cats and whatnot does seem like it would make another lovely tale, or mix well into the ninja squirrels and people eating tree clams.