When I read an article about how it was going to be allowed for hunters to meet a wolf hunting quota of 75 wolves and that it was even going to be allowed in the first place, I don't think I have ever been quite so angry. Now, before anyone gets their panties in a bunch over the "fact" that wolves are predators and "deserve to be hunted", let's just take a moment to evaluate the Human equation. Wolves and other predators do not create nuclear weapons. They do not fly aeroplanes into buildings. They do not fight and kill each other over money or other material objects. They do not rape and sell children. And the list goes on of all the nasty, unecological and immoral things Humans have done and still, to this day, do. So the question is: what creature on this planet is the worst kind of predator?
I couldn't have said this any better. Humans try to control all and believe that it is our right to do so. There is no sense of the overall picture and how minute we actually are. WE indeed, are the evil beings. No other being on the planet has thinking minds to the extent that we do, and yet still choose to INTENTIONALLY do evil things to other beings and one another. It's quite disgusting.